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Our guiding principles

Zevoli opened its doors in 2014 and we expeditiously evolved our services to where we find ourselves today as one of SA’s leading 100% black women owned Enterprise and Supplier Development advisory and Project Management firms. This inevitably led not only to a change in the way we look, but also to a curiosity to revisit our vision, mission and purpose. (Click here to read more about our re-launch)

Our interaction with our valued clients continues to shape our vision and goals for elevating the experience clients have when partnering with us. We want our clients to connect with our brand, our people, and our service in a personal way, to feel fulfilled, enriched, elevated and inspired.

It is with great enthusiasm and pride to share our revised Vision and Mission Statements, as well as guiding principles.

Vision Statement: To bridge the gaps between corporates and SMMEs.

Mission Statement: Build a world where supplier diversity is business as usual.

Core External Values:


  • Reach and Inclusion: We use a holistic approach to an inclusive economy where high potential, early stage, rural and peri-urban SMMEs receive the support they need.
  • Access:
    We enable opportunities for SMMEs to become part of the economic mainstream by participating in the formal economy.
  • Simplicity and Order: We innovate tools and processes to simplify complexities for the successful implementation of hybrid ESD programmes.
  • Impact: We enable SMMEs and local communities to prosper independently by building relevant, local supply chains.