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Sanlam Leruo Stokvel ProgrammeFAQs

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What is a Development Programme?     

The Sanlam Leruo Enterprise Development Programme seeks to provide members of stokvels with the tools, knowledge and resources to enable the stokvel to realise its full savings and investment potential.

  • What kind of support does the programme offer?          

The following support will be provided during the programme, based on the maturity level and development needs of the Stokvel:

  • develop a founding document or constitution;
  • establish stokvel governance structures;
  • develop stokvel brand and marketing persona;
  • understand and select well suited savings and investment solutions;
  • deepen understand of their selected savings and investment strategy through training and mentorship.
  • formalise stokvel to transition to operate as a small collective savings group.
  • What is the aim of the programme?        

The aim of the Programme is to assist the Stokvels to formalise, put in place appropriate governance and operate in a structured, transparent manner.

  • Who qualifies to apply for the programme?        

The Programme is open to Stokvels who meet the following criteria:

  • Have been in operations for at least one year;
  • Demonstrate collection of recurring monthly contributions;
  • Demonstrate existence of separate stokvel bank account;
  • Require Business Development Support to grow their stokvel.
  • Minimum annual collection of R100 000.00
  • How long is the programme?
  • The Programme is a 6-months programme.
  • How does one apply for the programme?
  • Complete the full online application and upload supporting documents.
  • What documents are needed for application?     
  • Stokvel Bank account confirmation.
  • Proof of monthly collections.
  • Stokvel Profiles
  • ID Copies
  • When do applications open and close?  
  • Applications will open for a month on 1 February 2024 and close on 1 March 2024.
  • Is it only for Stokvels?     
  • Yes, specifically ones that have been active for at least one year.
  1. What is the process followed after applications?

The Process is as follows:

  • Adjudication of applications.
  • Shortlisted applicants will then be invited to present to a panel.
  • Successful applicants to complete assessments.
  • Onboarding session for all successful applicants
  • Diagnostics assessment for selected applicants.
  • Individualised Growth Plans
  • Stokvel Development Process
  1. How will I know if my stokvel is selected?           
  2. All applicants will be notified of the different stages their applications are at timeously.
  1. How can I make contact if I want to know the progress of my application?       
  2. All enquiries can be sent to: sourcing@zevoligp.com
  3. The title of your email should state “Stokvel Programme Application”.